Helping property owners manage their properties with efficiency.

Other Forces
3.5 months
Managing properties is easy, right?

Before PropertyPRO, owners lacked a quality process to stay organized, consistent, and grow their investments while managing the 10-50 properties they own.

While they had a “process that worked”, at the end of the day they felt overwhelmed, stressed, and in fear of being perceived as a challenging landlord to their tenants.

Our response to their struggle is an all-in-one app designed from real conversations and aligned directly to the outcomes property owners desire.

Real People. Real Problems.
From Chaos to PropertyPRO
Organize all property, tenant, and contractor information
With PropertyPRO:
Property owners are able to easily upload all of their property information which then automatically organizes the information and securely stores the documents for quick access. With a quick search from anywhere in the app they find the answers they’re looking for.
Product Feature:
AI-Powered Upload for Property Creation
Product Feature:
Global Search
Outcome 2 & 3
Track and resolve any and all issues
With PropertyPRO:
Property Owners can stop treating every new issue with the same priority and are track and resolve issues by creating priority workflows for all incoming requests . This means if they are on vacation or even just done working for the day, they won’t be bothered by low priority issues. And with the our automated responses they can ignore tenants without ignoring them. They’re able to take care of the tenants while still taking care of themselves.
Product Feature:
Issue Tracking and Prioritization
Product Feature:
Workflow (Rules) Creation for Incoming Issues
Outcome 4
Coordinate with Contractors and Tenants
With PropertyPRO:
Property Owners can move their communication from personal texts and emails into one place. With in the messaging app users can utilize automations to trigger events based on system settings or rules they create. These automations can be work to “create a new task”, “start a group message between tenant and contractor”, or “assign contractors to specific tasks”. Another important aspect of this feature is that contractors and tenants don’t need to download the app to participate in messaging. It can be done directly through their own text messages with a sms long-code.
Product Feature:
Keep and maintain all tenant and service contacts
Product Feature:
Messaging with tenants and contractors (w/o app download)
Product Feature:
Group messaging between tenants and contractors
Outcome 5
Improve Investment Strategy
Property Owners don’t want to spend their time managing properties. They want to find opportunities to improve their investment strategy. It’s easy to lose sight of what matters when they’re having to make small and large repairs on an ongoing basis. However it’s the big decisions that actually impact return. “When should they renovate?“, “When should they sell?”, “When should they buy?” With PropertyPro they can evaluate all of these with our Investment Scenario’s feature. They can also can see the net-worth of all their properties, as well as their projected value going forward.
Product Feature:
Investment Scenarios
Product Feature:
Property Financial Snapshots (Integration with Quickbooks)
Life with PropertyPRO
Managing properties can be easy, right?

With PropertyPro, our users are able to step back from constantly managing their properties and get back to working on their investment strategies.

Because we worked directly with our target user, we were able to align all of our design decisions directly to the outcomes they wanted.

Not only are the founders of PropertyPRO prepared to develop a tool that their audience will love, we provided them a strategy for how to approach future problems with these same people.